Tag Archives | Job searching



Perspective makes a world of difference, doesn’t it? As you get older, you can see conflict and struggle in a better perspective and as momentary events that are blips on life’s radar. That may be true with your job search also…

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Job Search Decisions

A job search is a plethora of necessary decisions, decisions that can cause you to feel overwhelmed, because each decision is so important, and so much depends on making the right one. There is a way you can take some of that pressure off and still make all the right choices…

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Job Search Desperation

There are days when all you want to do is cry.  “God, please get me out of this prison.”
Your four walls are closing in. Everyone gets on your nerves. No one answers your calls. No interviews are happening, or if they are, they turn out to be for jobs you really don’t want…desperation starts to set in. Now what?

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