Writing Your Experiences Into Your Résumé
“There are different kinds of working,
but in all of them and in everyone
it is the same God at work.”
I Corinthians 12:6
God has given you skills and abilities, talents and gifts, experiences and development opportunities to enhance the abilities He built into you. It seems natural then that what you are able to accomplish, using all of that, are as a result of simply using what God has given. From that perspective, whatever you accomplish is not yours but God’s so you really can be proud of them, because you were simply a vessel He worked through to bring all of those things to pass.
The makeup of your résumé…
When you look at your accomplishments then, you are seeing a demonstration of God’s work in you and seeing God’s strength in your weakness. You could not have accomplished any of that without Him because they are all flowing out of the gifts and all He gave. They all make up your résumé.
This makes the exercise and challenge of identifying accomplishments an exercise of looking at your vocational history to see where God has used you and what He has done. And isn’t that one way of defining worship? So the entire exercise can be an experience of worship.
When you write your résumé…
Then when you write out those accomplishment stories and summarize them in accomplishment statements, expect God to actually guide your hand and supply the words to tell those stories. That’s how your story becomes His story, and all of it is a God-driven exercise.
God is in your search, even down to the smallest detail of writing your accomplishments, and then as He weaves these together to form your rescue. It becomes a testimony to His grace, power, and hand in your life.
As you engage in the activity of writing your accomplishments and your résumé, remember it is a worship experience. It will become a blessing instead of a chore. Rejoice in it all!
Dear Author of Life, thank you for having a hand on me even when I didn’t know it. Fill my résumé with worship of you.
If you would like to explore working with a Christian centered Career Coach, Contact me for a no-obligation 60-90 minute job search consultation with America’s Job Searching Coach, or text me at 425-220-0707 and we can discuss your situation, your résumé, what you would like to achieve, and structure your job search to fit your uniqueness.
I am also available to speak to groups.
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