More and more in our world of technology, employers are conducting video job interviews rather than in-person interviews. It’s up to you to prepare and present yourself in the best possible way!
Tag Archives | Job Interview
Never Say In Job Interview
What you say during your job interview will play such an important part in whether or not you are hired for the position you are applying for. in fact, everything you say can either help or hinder your chances.
Job Interview Story
You have a story to tell. You may be asked to tell your story as Paul was that day. A job interview is an opportunity to tell your story. Are you be ready?
Dress For Job Interview
A job interview puts you center stage, and in the spotlight.
One of the first things that a potential employer will notice when you walk through that door for an interview will be how you present yourself…specifically how you are dressed.
Your clothing says a lot about you:
Hire a Job Coach
Are you trying to find a new career, or a new job? Then that’s an excellent reason to hire a job coach who will take you where you can’t take yourself…
Overcome Job Search Rejection
The pain you feel from being rejected from a position after a job interview is real. It’s very real. It hurts. It raises self-doubts. How do you overcome those feelings and move on to future success?
Job Search Fears
What frightens you about your job search? Fear of not getting a job? Fear of getting the “wrong” job? How can you conquer those fears and handle them effectively?
Perspective makes a world of difference, doesn’t it? As you get older, you can see conflict and struggle in a better perspective and as momentary events that are blips on life’s radar. That may be true with your job search also…
Successful Job Interview
Somewhere we’ve picked up the notion that selling yourself in a job interview is supposed to emulate the snake oil salesperson from long ago. You know the kind of person I’m talking about. The one that’s full of bluster, talks loud, makes outrageous claims, doesn’t listen to the audience, except to point out that the product will solve every problem. But the claim that selling yourself in an interview should be like this character couldn’t be further from the truth.
Job Search Resources
In a job search, the resources you have available to you can make all the difference in whether your search is long or short, effective or ineffective, challenging or gratifying.
Here are some resources that are helpful when conducting your search.