Your Next Employer

How To Be A Gift To Your Next Employer…

“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you
to give the reason for the hope that you have.”
I Peter 3:15

BeEmployersGift-JobSearchingCoachChristmas has just passed, and as you unwrapped your gifts on Christmas morning, not only were they exactly what you had asked for, but they were even more than you expected…

  • It does more.
  • It looks sleeker.
  • It functions easier.
  • It costs less to operate.
  • It’s more easily updated
  • You don’t even have to assemble it.

Your goal should be to be that gift to your next employer…

You see, unless your interview was with a Christian organization, you probably didn’t talk directly about God at all. You were talking indirectly about God because the interview focused on you, and all you are has been woven together by God as your résumé depicts.

But they didn’t know at the time that they were hiring a “secret agent” with dynamic capabilities (derived from the original Greek dunamis, meaning dynamic, dynamo, dynamite, etc.)  You can do so much more than they ever imagined when they hired you because of dunamic power.  (Dunamic power is so much more advanced than bionic that it is not even in the same universe.)

GoodDailyAttitude-JobSearchingCoachAs we look at this future scenario without you even saying a word, you testify to the dynamic power of God by how you do your work—that is just by being you. The skills you use testify to how God has created you and then enrolled you in His university training program by weaving specific experiences into your work history. The importance you place on people, your daily attitude, the way you attack problem solving by responding to the issue rather than seeking to blame, all speak to others about the Godly influence in your life…these are your gifts.

Do you see yourself through God’s perspective?

How would you rate your testimony? Do you need to take more seriously the fact that you are God’s ambassador? Do you need to look at all aspects of your work life (and your job search) more from His perspective?

You are part of His adventure. And it’s happening every day. Get on board.

Dear Adventure Guide, keep it in the forefront of my mind that I really work for You, and I represent Your organization.

If you would like to explore working with a Christian centered Career Coach, Contact me for a no-obligation 60-90 minute job search consultation with America’s Job Searching Coach, or text me at 425-220-0707  and we can discuss your situation, your résumé, what you would like to achieve, and structure your job search to fit your uniqueness.

I am also available to speak to groups.


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