How Can You Prepare For A Video Job Interview?
“At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise. The foolish one took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps.” Matthew 25:1-4
More and more, in our world of technology, employers are conducting video job interviews rather than in-person interviews. Whether it’s because the employer finds them more productive, or because of Covid, or because it’s a long distance, or just more convenient, doesn’t really matter….it’s becoming a common way of interviewing job candidates.
It’s up to you to prepare and present yourself in the best possible way! In many ways, you can treat it like a face to face interview, but don’t get too comfortable, take the time to learn what it takes to leave your best impression.
Video Interview Tips:
By preparing well in advance of the interview, you will feel more confident, and your technology will be checked out to ensure that it runs correctly.
- Preparing your environment –
- Choose a room that has good natural lighting, and where you can sit facing the light, rather than having it at your back creating shadows.
- Choose a room or area that is quiet, and your background is simple and free from clutter. A blank wall is an ideal background.
- If possible, a room with a door is best, so you can avoid interruptions from family, friends or pets. If there is a chance of a distraction, let the interviewer know in advance of the possibility…I have a dog in the other room that may start barking.
- Unless you need to use your phone for the interview, then put it in another room to keep it from being a distraction. Any calls or messages that might come in during your interview can be handled when you are finished.
- It’s all right if the interviewer knows you’re at home, just try to make it as professional as possible.
- Preparing yourself –
- Dress as if you are going to an in-person interview. A good rule of thumb is to wear clothing that is a step above what you would wear to work if you are hired.
- Avoid appearing to be too relaxed, maintain your posture, with both feet planted on the ground, and avoid “squirming” in your seat.
- Although it’s appropriate to have a notebook and pen to take notes if necessary, don’t use preplanned notes to answer questions or give responses. It might also be helpful to have a copy of your résumé handy.
- It is also appropriate to have a list of questions ready to ask of the interviewer. This will not only show your level of preparation, knowledge of the company and interest in the job, but may prove essential if the interviewer was unable to prepare adequately.
- Be in place 10 minutes before your scheduled appointment.
- During the interview, don’t look like a statue! Make eye contact, and smile and nod when appropriate to show your interviewer that you are listening and engaged.
- Check to see if you are centered on the screen, making sure your head or your shoulders aren’t cut off.
- Preparing your technology –
- Ask your interviewer for his/her phone number so you can reconnect in the event there is some type of technical difficulty.
- Check your internet connection, your audio, and your camera to make sure they are working correctly.
- Be familiar with the software that the interviewer is using, such as Zoom, Skype, or Google Hangouts.
- Close any extra tabs or applications you may have running on your computer.
When you have prepared as described above you will be ready for your video interview. However, remember this is still an interview and you need to practice all of the other skills essential for any successful interview. Review interviewing basics ahead of time just as you would for an in-person interview.
If you would like to explore working with a Christian centered Career Coach, Contact me for a no-obligation 60-90 minute job search consultation with America’s Job Searching Coach, or text me at 425-220-0707 and we can discuss your situation, your résumé, what you would like to achieve, and structure your job search to fit your uniqueness.
I am also available to speak to groups.
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