Archive | Job Search


Patience In Job Search

There are those days, when you’ve been enduring for along period of time, when you’re ready to say, “Enough already,” or “Hasn’t this gone on long enough?”  Maybe that’s what ou’re feeling your job search. How do you show patience and keep moving forward?

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Job Search Patience

Are you having trouble being patient during your job search journey or during a time when you are feeling under employed? Is there a plan or a reason for all of this? When and how will your frustration end?

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Productive Job Search

God has promised to give you the desires of your heart, does that mean a nicer house, better car, more fulfilling job? Discover how the right attitude can make your job search more fulfilling and more than just a job search.

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Perspective makes a world of difference, doesn’t it? As you get older, you can see conflict and struggle in a better perspective and as momentary events that are blips on life’s radar. That may be true with your job search also…

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Successful Job Interview

Somewhere we’ve picked up the notion that selling yourself in a job interview is supposed to emulate the snake oil salesperson from long ago. You know the kind of person I’m talking about. The one that’s full of bluster, talks loud, makes outrageous claims, doesn’t listen to the audience, except to point out that the product will solve every problem. But the claim that selling yourself in an interview should be like this character couldn’t be further from the truth. 

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