Job Search Networking

How Networking In Your Job Search Can Be So Helpful!

“Walk with the wise and become wise,
for a companion of fools suffers harm.”
Prov. 13:20

FriendsFamilyNetwork-JobSearchingCoWhen you hear that old saying, “It’s not what you know but who you know that’s important,” what’s your initial thought?

If your thought was you don’t know very many people, and they certainly aren’t movers and shakers, you’re not alone. You may have a good number of friends, and we all need to be grateful and thankful for those, but you would have to say few, if any, sit in seats of power in government or industry or know others that do.

The problem with this kind of thinking and that old saying is that it’s so limiting. The reality is, it’s not who you know, but it’s who your friends and contacts know…your network. And you have no idea who they know. People of wealth and power don’t exist in isolation. They know others through their churches, club memberships, kids’ schools, recreation, and other venues.  Bill Gates, Paul Allen, and Warren Buffett, though three of the richest men in the world, are still people, know many people and understand the principles of networking.

Networking in the Bible…

In Genesis 46, Joseph finds himself in prison, the result of being falsely accused of sexual misconduct. He is now a convict. He has limited contacts and most of them are convicts also. It would seem he would have limited options when he is released. But Joseph was faithful to himself and to God, and did his best in ministering to those around him.

BiblicalNetwork-JobSearchingCoachOne of the prisoners he was assigned to oversee happened to be the cup bearer for Pharaoh. It was Joseph’s responsibility while in prison to help make the cup bearer’s prison experience as meaningful as possible. As he got to know the cup bearer, he helped him put his prison experience in perspective, and also gave him hope for the future by interpreting the cup bearer’s dream.  As he spent time with the cup bearer, Joseph no doubt shared some of his own life, dreams, and hopes. One of those dreams was to get out of prison and do more with his life.

After telling the cup bearer he would be reinstated to his former position on Pharaoh’s staff, Joseph also asked the cup bearer to watch for opportunities where he might be useful. Joseph put it this way in Genesis 40:14:

 “But when all goes well with you, remember me and show me kindness; mention me to Pharaoh and get me out of this prison.”

Tap into your own network…

A man’s friendships are one of the best measures of his worth.” – Charles Darwin

Your friends and family may not know the “Pharaoh’s” of our day, but they may know people who can help in your job search. All we have to do is ask them to “remember me when…”

Weaver of my future, you have placed people in my life that I might encourage and be encouraged by.  Help me to humbly share my job search needs with them.

If you would like to explore working with a Christian centered Career Coach, contact me for a no-obligation consultation and we can discuss your situation, what you would like to achieve, and structure your job search to fit your uniqueness.



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