Job Searching

Are You Job Searching? Enlist Help!

“Anxiety weighs down the heart,
but a kind word cheers it up.”
Proverbs 12:25

JobSearchingChallenges-JobSearchingCoachA job search is not an easy, or quick, task for you to tackle. It challenges you to…

  • to look at yourself in ways that may be uncomfortable
  • do things you don’t normally do
  • to engage in activities that may take you outside your comfort zone


It’s work!  In fact, as we tell our clients…

Your primary job when you don’t have a job is to look for a job.”

During these challenging tasks and activities, you may find yourself getting overwhelmed. The amount of work you need to do to find work may be discouraging. The amount of time you step out of your comfort zone may be depressing.

When you try to tackle a job search on your own, these are not uncommon responses. But you are not on your own.  You have the Spirit of God residing in you to encourage, instruct, and guide. You also have the Body of Christ to come alongside to assist you.

Here are a few ways to enlist help from members in the Body:

  • Participate in job search support groups
  • Join an empowering prayer group
  • Attend a church sponsored Job Search workshop
  • Pick up and read Your Road to Damascus
  • Enlist a mentor to support you in your search
  • Visit a job search counselor through your church

You can probably think of others as well.

Additionally, you need to be giving of yourself to others…Consider:

  • GiveOfYourself-JobSearchingCoachJoining a group that feeds the homeless
  • Tutoring an at-risk student
  • Teaching computer skills to lower income adults
  • Praying with needy students about their struggles
  • There are so many other things you can do!

How many of the activities listed in both lists are you involved in? If you’re not yet involved, start now. You need others and they need you. You need to be giving as well as getting. You need to reach out to others in need as you reach out to others for your own needs.

No matter how deep the depression, or how challenging the discouragement, you still have resources out of which you can give to others. And who knows, giving may just relieve some of those depressing and discouraging thoughts.

Dear Head of the Church, I am not involved with others as I should be, but focus too much on me.  Help me see where I could best contribute myself.

If you would like to explore working with a Christian centered Career Coach, Contact me for a no-obligation 60-90 minute job search consultation with America’s Job Searching Coach, or text me at 425-220-0707  and we can discuss your situation, your résumé, what you would like to achieve, and structure your job search to fit your uniqueness.

I am also available to speak to groups.



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