There Is Help Available To Job Seekers
“I can do all this through him
who gives me strength.”
Phil. 4:13
You are not like unbelieving job seekers. You are a believer, and understand that “I can do all things…through….” Notice there are two parts to that verse.
You also understand that “I can do all things” does not stand alone.
- It’s not a matter of pulling yourself up by your bootstraps and getting it done.
- It’s not a matter of “just doing it.”
- It’s not just put your ear to the ground, nose to the grindstone, shoulder to the wheel and trying to work in that position.
- We are not the fictional characters that independently conquered the frontier, despite what we may think.
We are not alone…
No man really is an island. We are dependent. It’s just what we choose to depend on. Too many of us become workaholics, alcoholics, drug users, or sexually addicted to prove our self-reliance. But we know how that works. It doesn’t, and sooner or later the public foots the bill.
The first part of that verse does not stand alone, it’s bonded to the second like super-glue, “…through Christ which strengthens me.” The trumpet call to awaken Christians is to forge the bond of relationships with Christ individually and the Body of Christ corporately.
You are not like unbelieving job seekers…
You have the person of Christ and the indwelling Spirit to strengthen you. They provide fortitude, patience, insight and wisdom as you engage in your search. You don’t just rely on your own strength; you have this supernatural strength to call on.
In addition, you are part of the greatest army and organizational force the world has ever known; the Body of Christ, the church. Members of this Body are ready to assist you, to encourage you, to share resources, to be a sounding board. But you must reach out.
Outside of your spouse or significant other, who listens to your needs, joys, and challenges? Enlist someone today. You may even be able to provide the same for them.
Spirit of Truth, I have a tendency to go it alone. Open my eyes to the relationships and support You and the Body of Christ provide.
If you would like to explore working with a Christian centered Career Coach, Contact me for a no-obligation 60-90 minute job search consultation with America’s Job Searching Coach, or text me at 425-220-0707 and we can discuss your situation, your résumé, what you would like to achieve, and structure your job search to fit your uniqueness.
I am also available to speak to groups.
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