Unemployed and Desperate

Are You Unemployed and Feeling Desperate?

“But when all goes well with you,
remember me and show me kindness;
mention me to Pharaoh
and get me out of this prison.”
Gen. 40:14

UnemployedandDesperate-JobSearchingCoachYou may have been unemployed for some time and have cried out to God in frustration, exasperation, and desperation at times. You are not alone. There is a great biblical example of someone who did much the same thing:

Joseph had been in prison for close to ten years and really wanted out. It was an unjust accusation that landed him there in the first place, and he had been faithful to God during his long imprisonment.

He had served God well during those difficult times, and the prison officials acknowledged his service. He had taken personal charge of the cupbearer and the baker when they were sentenced, and assisted them in acclimating to prison life.

But Joseph knew he could do more. He knew God wasn’t done yet, and when he told the cupbearer he would be re-installed to his position, Joseph made this telling statement, “Remember me and show me kindness, mention me to Pharaoh.

A plea of desperation…

Having endured long-term under-employment myself, when I read Joseph’s words I hear much more than a simple request.

  • I hear a plea for help.
  • I hear the emotional frustration.
  • I hear a request for a referral.
  • I hear a desire to do more.

Yes, maybe I’m reading Joseph’s statement through the lens of my own experience, but remember who Joseph was…

Joseph had told his brothers they would bow down to him. Joseph had learned a lot as Potiphar’s slave and become the head of his staff. Joseph had even excelled in prison and was responsible for the work of all the prisoners.  Joseph excelled in whatever he did. He was ready for more, and his statement reflected that.

VocationalPrisonRelease-JobSearchingCoachpngHow about you?

Are you crying for release from your vocational prison? Are you faithful where you are? With the skills God has given you, are you ready for more?

Father who grants release to the prisoner, hear my cry.  I want to be faithful where I am, and I look forward to my own release.

If you would like to explore working with a Christian centered Career Coach, Contact me for a no-obligation consultation and we can discuss your situation, what you would like to achieve, and structure your job search to fit your uniqueness.



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