Your Job Search Adventure

How Can You Make Your Job Search An Adventure?

“For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.”
Psalms 139:13

JobSearchGPS-JobSearchingCoachAre you on a job search and you’re not sure what lies ahead or where to turn? Maybe it’s time to look at it as an adventure rather than a problem…are you heading in the right direction?

How a GPS functions is science fiction that’s become reality kind of stuff in my book. That this little device can bounce a signal off a satellite in the heavens, tell you precisely where you are located on planet earth, and provide detailed step-by-step directions to your specified destination is a wonder. Then it will talk you through it. A friendly,  “Recalculating,” and “Please make a legal U-turn as soon as possible”, in the voice you choose astounds me.

God’s GPS (God’s Positioning System)

The fact that God has built into each one of us His own GPS (God’s Positioning System) is no less astounding.  This internal guidance system provides input and clarification in what direction your job search should take, what types of jobs you are best suited for, and what type of organizational environment you would function best in.

Your internal GPS uses such input as your values, personal characteristics, strengths and weaknesses, workstyle preferences, and more, to provide direction. But you need to understand how to read it.

Reading your internal GPS…

ChooseADirection-JobSearchingCoachThis heavenly GPS does not provide audio instructions, it’s much more sophisticated than that. It gives you much more freedom to make choices, choose a direction, and set a destination. It does this because God knows you will ultimately land where you need to be.

Unfortunately, many of us don’t listen to our internal GPS, and don’t know how to heed the guidance it provides to make job search decisions, career choices, and job selections.

You can learn much more about your internal GPS and your need to use it in the manual on a biblical job search, The Christian Job Search Manual; 6 Biblical Secrets for a Job Hunting Adventure (available on Amazon and B&N).

Are you following your internal GPS or are you trying to take direction from someone else’s? It’s your choice!

Dear Creator of my GPS, thank you for making me a unique creation, and for providing such valuable inner guidance.  Help me to listen to what my own GPS says.

If you would like to explore working with a Christian centered Career Coach, Contact me for a no-obligation 60-90 minute job search consultation with America’s Job Searching Coach, or text me at 425-220-0707  and we can discuss your situation, what you would like to achieve, and structure your job search to fit your uniqueness.

I am also available to speak to groups.


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