Understanding Job Search

Understanding Your Job Search

Your job, when you don’t have a job, is to find a job.”

UniqueWorkHistory-JobSearchingCoachYou are a unique individual. Your work history is as unique as you are. It follows that your job search should reflect your uniqueness as well. While aspects of your search will be similar to that of others, other aspects will be yours alone.

Conducting a job search is not simply a matter of following certain rules and techniques. It’s also essential that you integrate your values, personality, and beliefs into your search. For that reason, you must be the one to decide exactly what kind of search you’ll conduct. No one can do it for you, and no one can develop it for you.

This time of transition and change, whether actual or contemplated, whether by your decision or another’s, is an opportunity to learn more about who you are. It’s an opportunity to have a new and real encounter with the risen Christ.

Your vision of you…

PersonalVision-JobSearchingCoachThis is your opportunity to get a new vision of your power, and learn what makes you truly dynamic. Then take that knowledge and weave it into your search so you go out in strength instead of weakness, power instead of fear, passion instead of need.

Did you know that God has a vision for you and your work? In Luke 5, Peter had come to grips with his own inadequacy. They had walked with the Master and yet didn’t really understand what He was about. Maybe that is a picture of your life as well.

But in Luke 5:10, Christ presents a new vision for Peter and his future. This chapter is the story of how Christ can bring meaning out of disaster, and success out of failure. Peter and the others had been out fishing and caught nothing. Then Christ simply told them, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.”

They did what Christ had told them, and their nets were loaded with fish where they had been totally empty. This grabbed Peter’s attention, and he confessed, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!

Peter saw himself for what he was. But Christ saw more, and gave him a new vision for his life when he stated, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.”

He has a vision for your life and work as well. He has so much more than you can do as you learn to trust and rely on Him and catch the vision.

Marsha Sinetar wrote a book called Do What You Love and the Money Will Follow. It’s an excellent resource with sound advice on how to find a job doing what you thoroughly enjoy without having income as your primary driver.

What drives you in your job search?

YorAreUnique-JobSeachingCoachAs believers, we have more than money to drive us in our job search goals. Part of that drive is to reflect how God created us. As you identify and tap into what makes you unique and dynamic, the fulfillment will follow.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said this about work:

If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.”

To land a job that will enable you to work in that manner, you need to consider the personal, technical, emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual aspects of your search.

In my next articles, I’ll begin talking about the different aspects of your job search.

The Personal Aspect

The Technical Aspect

The Emotional Aspect

The Mental Aspect

The Physical Aspect Part 1

The Physical Aspect Part 2

The Spiritual Aspect

This is an excerpt from my book The Christian Job Search Manual,” click on this link to purchase the book.

If you would like to explore working with a Christian centered Career Coach, Contact me for a no-obligation 60-90 minute job search consultation with America’s Job Searching Coach, or text me at 425-220-0707  and we can discuss your situation, your résumé, what you would like to achieve, and structure your job search to fit your uniqueness.

I am also available to speak to groups.


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