Author Archive | Bill Higgins


Job Loss Stress

Does your life feel like you are caught in a downward spiral that seemingly has no end? You lost your job. No opportunities have panned out. Finances are getting low. You’re behind on some bills. There’s stress and tension at home. Your prayers seem to bounce off the ceiling.

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Job Search Self Esteem

When you were growing up your self-esteem was impacted by whether you were picked last for playground games. Now it can negatively be impacted during a job search. What can you do to prevent that from happening?

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Job Search Help

The pain of losing a job is real. The pain of an on-going job search is just as real.
Researchers tell us that a job loss is one of the top 10 stressors you can face. The pain is not abnormal, it’s common. Like any pain, it needs to be managed.

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Work Experience

Sometimes a job search can be downright depressing, discouraging, and intimidating. I read all these ads for positions like what I do, and they all seem to be asking for work experience and expertise I don’t have.

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Create a Resume

Is your résumé an attention grabber? God’s is. Max Lucado says in The Great House of God that the sky is God’s résumé. On a crystal clear night, you can look up and be mesmerized by what you see. Does your résumé do that for potential employers?

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Holiday Job Hunting

Is It a Waste of Time to Job Hunt During the Holidays? I was looking for a new job, and the Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year holidays were right around the corner. Friends and other job seekers told me that this was a terrible time to look for work. Companies were basically closed down during […]

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