As you spend time in your job search, are you becoming aware of your weaknesses? We all have weaknesses, but how do we recognize them and turn them into strengths?
Archive | Job Search
Your Job Search
Is it lonely in your job search world? Do you feel alone…on your own? It’s not supposed to feel that way.
Job Seekers
As a job seeker, do you feel you have to do your job search all on your own, or do you understand there is help available, and where you can go to find it?
Employment Search
Are you feeling down because you are facing the dilemma of an employment search? Does it keep you awake at night? This is how you can face it with confidence…
Unemployment Battles
Find yourself unemployed? If so, then you’ll find yourself fighting all types of battles that will slow you down, depress and distract you. Here’s how you win…
Employment Advice
Oh how often we do lean on our own understanding, and never look for employment advice outside of ourselves? If not ourselves, who should we lean on?
Job Search Obstacle
How proud are you? We are proud individualists and insist on doing things for ourselves. We don’t want to depend on anyone for anything if we can help it. But do you recognize when and who you should be putting your trust in?
Circumstances vs Job Search
Does it feel like life just keeps throwing up roadblocks that get in the way of a successful job search? Do your life’s circumstances seem to keep you down and hold you back from searching for that perfect job or career? Or are you allowing them to to do so?
Job Search Vision
Keep your eye on the goal! If you’ve ever run track, you know how important that is. It’s the same with your job search, your focus has to be the same…and what about your vision of the end result?
Fear of Job Search
Does your job search frighten you? Why…what are you afraid of? The interview? Not being able to answer the questions correctly? Being rejected? This is how you can overcome that fear…