Archive | Job Search


Job Search Advice

People love to give advice. It’s so easy, and self-affirming, to be able to tell someone else how to deal with their problem. If you have been on a job search for very long, you have probably already gotten a bucketful of advice.  How can you deal with it?

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Tedious Job Search

While you were working, it was, “Another day, another dollar” type of repetition? And now with your job search, it can be a… “Nothing new under the sun” kind of activity. What can you do to get rid of the repetition?

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Dress For Job Interview

A job interview puts you center stage, and in the spotlight.
One of the first things that a potential employer will notice when you walk through that door for an interview will be how you present yourself…specifically how you are dressed.
Your clothing says a lot about you:

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Job Search Tasks

We let schedules and other people’s agendas drive us. The media makes our decisions for us. Friends tell us we should be looking for a particular kind of job. We don’t have our own agenda. We don’t listen to our own dreams.  We don’t really know what we are about. But we don’t need to be stuck here! See how you can get unstuck…

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Your Job Interview

You have a story to tell, and everyone’s story is different. Your job search is an opportunity to think about that story, and practice the telling so it is a natural delivery. But just how much do you share in a job interview?

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Job Loss Failure

Failure is a part of life. If you haven’t failed at anything, you have to ask yourself if you have tried anything truly challenging…truly risky. Many individuals that achieved outstanding success also encountered devastating failure along the way. Does the loss of a job make you feel like a failure?

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