When you give your résumé to a potential employer, what exactly should you be handing him/her? What should it reflect? How should it present who you are? How in-depth should it be? What should or shouldn’t it include?
Archive | Resume
Your Next Employer
Christmas has just passed, and as you unwrapped your gift on Christmas morning, not only was it exactly what you had asked for, but it’s even more than you expected…are you that type of gift to your new employer?
Writing Your Resume
God has given you skills and abilities, talents and gifts, experiences and development opportunities to enhance the abilities He built into you. When you look at your accomplishments, you are looking at your résumé
Job Qualifications
Don’t feel like recounting your accomplishments and qualifications is boasting about what you have done or achieved, rather you should think of them this way…
Job Search Competition
Competition…It seems there are so many things in life where you are competing with someone or something. Competition…It seems there are so many things in life where you are competing with someone or something. how do you deal with it?
Difficulty Creating Your Resume
Do you have nit-picker’s disease? Things you write – in this case, your résumé – are never quite good enough, never quite done. How can you be cured of that disease?
Create Great Resume
You’ve heard it all your life, your parents would tell you it’s not a good idea to brag or boast about things you’ve done. Others don’t like to hear it, because it sounds too much like pride. That was good advice when you were a kid. But does it hold true when you’re creating your résumé? To brag or not to brag?
Job Search Group Effort
You should not do your job search alone. You can be independent, but not a loner. You need others to review your résumé, to provide job leads, to offer advice, to be referrals. A job search is indeed a group effort.
Resume Building
God has been weaving your résumé, and building your skill set with every job you’ve held. Even now, in your job search, He is doing the same thing. He is building your skills to enable you to make a unique contribution to His adventure.
Job Seeking Questions
If you’re like most job seekers, sooner or later, you face the questions, “Am I really qualified?” or, “Are my skill sets in a totally different arena?” or “Do I even have a chance for this position?”