Tag Archives | God


Job Search Adventure

Have you ever looked at your job search as an adventure? It’s quite possible you would have to respond, “Yeah, right!” As in all of life, God desires that your job search be part of life’s adventure. You can join with him to see what he has in-store for you.

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Job Loss Stress

Does your life feel like you are caught in a downward spiral that seemingly has no end? You lost your job. No opportunities have panned out. Finances are getting low. You’re behind on some bills. There’s stress and tension at home. Your prayers seem to bounce off the ceiling.

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Job Search Help

The pain of losing a job is real. The pain of an on-going job search is just as real.
Researchers tell us that a job loss is one of the top 10 stressors you can face. The pain is not abnormal, it’s common. Like any pain, it needs to be managed.

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