The best way to communicate credible information to a prospective employer is by using accomplishment statements. Effectively written accomplishments will show so much about you…
Tag Archives | Job Qualifications
Résumé Purpose
In my last blog post, I talked about Introducing You in Your Résumé. So now we need to talk about what the purpose of a résumé is so you can have this in mind as you build yours…
Job Qualifications
Don’t feel like recounting your accomplishments and qualifications is boasting about what you have done or achieved, rather you should think of them this way…
Your Job Interview
You have a story to tell, and everyone’s story is different. Your job search is an opportunity to think about that story, and practice the telling so it is a natural delivery. But just how much do you share in a job interview?
Successful Job Interview
Somewhere we’ve picked up the notion that selling yourself in a job interview is supposed to emulate the snake oil salesperson from long ago. You know the kind of person I’m talking about. The one that’s full of bluster, talks loud, makes outrageous claims, doesn’t listen to the audience, except to point out that the product will solve every problem. But the claim that selling yourself in an interview should be like this character couldn’t be further from the truth.
Create Great Resume
You’ve heard it all your life, your parents would tell you it’s not a good idea to brag or boast about things you’ve done. Others don’t like to hear it, because it sounds too much like pride. That was good advice when you were a kid. But does it hold true when you’re creating your résumé? To brag or not to brag?
Resume Building
God has been weaving your résumé, and building your skill set with every job you’ve held. Even now, in your job search, He is doing the same thing. He is building your skills to enable you to make a unique contribution to His adventure.
Job Seeking Questions
If you’re like most job seekers, sooner or later, you face the questions, “Am I really qualified?” or, “Are my skill sets in a totally different arena?” or “Do I even have a chance for this position?”