You may have the right skills, the right experience and the right personality for the job you’re searching for, but what good is it going to do you if the right people don’t know about you?
Tag Archives | New Job Preparation
Job Search Tasks
We let schedules and other people’s agendas drive us. The media makes our decisions for us. Friends tell us we should be looking for a particular kind of job. We don’t have our own agenda. We don’t listen to our own dreams. We don’t really know what we are about. But we don’t need to be stuck here! See how you can get unstuck…
Job Seeking Questions
If you’re like most job seekers, sooner or later, you face the questions, “Am I really qualified?” or, “Are my skill sets in a totally different arena?” or “Do I even have a chance for this position?”
Job Search Obstacles
How do you look at the process of your job search? Is it something you must do on your own, or is it alright to look for help as you search?
New Job Preparation
What’s your vision for your next job? Right now you are engaged in a job search, but that won’t always be the case. God is going to open a door and you are going to move into a new position. When that happens, what’s your vision for what you will be doing in that new job? I don’t mean your job responsibilities, the skills you will be using, or the objectives of the position. I mean how do you see God using you in that new position; what’s your vision?